Sunday, February 20, 2011

and so this coming week....back to the gym

Now that I have some free time on my hands, between the job hunt, I am going back to the gym with a bigger purpose. Must focus on my health and keep these limbs and body parts moving to my satisfaction. Burn off any excess energy and worry. That way I can feel accomplished and fall more readily to sleep when it's time for bed.

Right now it's about 5 in the AM and I am wide awake, worrying. Took a shower to dispel any negativity or worry going on in the brain and to relax me. Washed my hair, let water cover me and wash me from head to toe. It felt good to feel the water, smell the shampoo and soap, and be alive.

So I enjoyed that moment. And look forward to many more. Tomorrow it's going to have lunch with my dad and my cousin, and enjoy this holiday weekend as best I can. Stay overnight downtown before heading back uptown to get ready for what is turning out to be a busy week. By the following weekend, I'll be plenty tired but have gotten plenty done. Am trying my best not to think of any negatives, trying my best to stay positive and upbeat.

Things will come, good things will come my way. I just have to have some faith and believe.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gym boo hiss

Joined gym. Yay. Joined with a couple co-workers for support. Yay. Went for two months fairly regularly, at least 3 times a week. Yay. Then weather got colder. Boo. The gym location we went to closed down and they rerouted us elsewhere, not too many gym locations for this franchise. Boo. Co-workers stopped coming, or claimed they had a life and were busy or tired. Boo. Going alone. Boo. Job demands have me wondering and worrying whether I will have a job next month let alone next week. Boo. Yet I'm still paying for the fucking gym. Guess what? Despite the weather, I'm going to have to step up and go. Fuck these lazy people. Fuck the job. Fuck these losers. I have to go and let go. A snow advisory is in effect. I'm going to bring gym clothes and sneakers and my lock just in case. If it does not get bad weather wise, I'm going to the gym.

I have to get back and get active and get focused. Get camera ready back on track.